Becca Ellis
Helping English teachers & students with anxiety
in & out of the classroom
comfort zone
Locate and dissolve the "evidence" that makes certain situations or people unsafe
Build a tool kit to be able to
self-soothe before, during and after your trigger situations
yourself in
Stop beating yourself up and see yourself in a much kinder light
"And then the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."
Anaïs Nin

Hi! I'm Becca and
my mess is my magic
Me in a nutshell!
Many moons ago I was an English teacher and teacher trainer, but there was always anxiety ready to raise its ugly head. Even though I was already a Reiki master and massage therapist, their magic just weren't enough to beat those trigger situation that left me feeling like 💩.
Then I became a mum and I suffered a mental health crisis, which meant I had to give up the job I loved.
Thanks to that experience I delved deeper into learning a whole load about the developing mind and how it protects us, amongst other things. I also ended up training in more mind-body tools that helped me find myself again.
Now I'm on a mission to support others in similar situations, helping women, and sometimes brave men, with
different nervous systems,
social anxiety
or fluctuating self-esteem
whether that's with foreign language anxiety, teaching anxiety or other debilitating and outdated coping or "self-sabotage" patterns.
I believe that by using the right techniques and with caring support you can feel better, even great, about who you are and what you have to give the world.
Oh yes, and I'm late identified AuDHD, and that informs everything I do.
So don't be shy, I'm here whenever you feel ready to have an informal chat and see how I can help you. (no slimy sales moves, promise ;)
"I had to give up teacher training because the anxiety was too much. Now here I am giving workshops again - I learnt how to get over it, and I want to help you get through it too!"